Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sunshine = Joy

Today Seattle had sun and we rejoiced. Lucy at school; me at Nia (dance) class; Jasper and I at Golden Gardens beach. Even though Rob didn't get to frolic in the sun, he caught enough of a glimpse to be inspired to ride his bike from work tomorrow. The kids and I had an afternoon of homebound bliss featuring a sweet visit with Grandma and Pop Pop, and finally as if our cups weren't full enough, Rebecca, our precious 21 yr old friend and sometimes babysitter, joined us for dinner. Rebecca gives me hope for the world. How did a 21 yr old get so wise?? Her calm, clear voice and earnest, compassionate listening and looking are so healing and brought our entire household into a more beautiful harmony this evening. For the first time in a long time, I felt clarity about the general direction our lives are going ALL DAY.

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