Friday, July 16, 2010

Genetics or???

It turns out my son and my nephew have a lot in common besides (or perhaps because of) age - Max on the left turned 5 in May, Jasper on the right will be 5 in August.

Mothering side by side with my sister for a long weekend was heavenly. We easily settle into the same routines - outdoor play for all of us, lots of food prep and snacking, reading on the couch, walking/running after kids are in bed.

Teagan is delicious...

To cheer myself up after Em left, I got a grill and cooked up first-of-the-season zucchini on it. I've also grilled hotdogs, chicken and bread. The kids and I love the fire-starting aspect and Rob and I love the smokey flavor of the grilled food.
Our neighbor's rose bush always blooms on or near our wedding anniversary.

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