Sunday, September 7, 2008

So far, so good

All I can say about homeschooling so far is that it is the sweetest life I have ever had. Not having to go anywhere in the car at least three days a week, letting the kids start and finish things when they want to (at least a good portion of the time), and just being together is so nice. All the planning I did in the summer with the curriculum ( has paid off big time. I would be overwhelmed if I were trying to plan as I go. But I just review what I'd planned for the day the night before, sometimes do a bit of prep work, but mostly it is all ready to go. Lucy digs the activities. Jasper digs playing around at home and having plenty of Lucy and Mommy time in the day too. Plus he is a very active and key participant in the circle activities we do each morning. I don't know how long the social scene will work for both kids, but it works right now. We are in some kinda heaven. Lucy summed up the general gestalt around here with these words (she used "her" spelling, but I'll make it a little easier on you...). She wrote "You're happy, I'm happy, we're all happy, I love being happy." I do hope to elaborate on choice particulars at some point, but not tonight...

Here are some pics from the first week. I wish Rob were around more during our days to do that thing he does with the camera...

And by the way, my mom thinks the unidentified scat in the last post was from a coyote. Seems likely now that I think of it as they do hear them around the farm.

We got these cherries from the farm and Rob made a mighty fine pie with them, with help from Lucy.

1 comment:

Melisa & Erik Nielsen said...

Your journey sounds like it is going so well! I love to watch families enjoy this education - being at home, loving it, dancing their own dance. Kudos to you!

Melisa Nielsen