We somehow lucked into a chance to spend a week in paradise for the small price of caring for an aged cat. We were and still are very grateful. It felt like a real vacation for sure... My dad and stepmom (who is much, much nicer than her fairy tale counterparts) joined us for the last few days of our stay. We enjoyed their company and were grateful for the additional child entertainment they provided. Four adults to two children is just about the right ratio. Wine and woods, birds and bees, water and fire, good company and good food -- we had all those lovely elements and more...
Hi April
Where was paradise? Love the photos - really quite amazing shots! Is there a creature swimming with Lucy? Looks almost seal like - regardless, very magical.
and yeah for the good stepmoms of the world!
Paradise was Lake Cushman on the Olympic Peninsula... Wouldn't have ever ended up there except for some folks Rob knows from way back when having a place there... and an old cat... But it is quite nice. xo - April
Wow, what beauty! Love the photo of Lucy jumping.
We just started our John Muir block. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you all. Great fun so far for us. It's been a long, hot summer in FL, and starting back to school makes us feel like fall is coming soon, but we have another good month or so.
Beautiful photos. Wish we could have tagged along on that nature retreat too. We'll have to do a cabin reunion trip somewhere, somehow before too many years pass.
Is Lucy in school now? What did you decide on for her?
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