Monday, September 3, 2007

Friends for a Week

Helen and Peter, friends from the UK, visited us for a week. Rob and Helen go way back since they met when they were around eighteen when Helen was an au pair here in Seattle. Helen and Peter are lovely and charming houseguests. In addition to being generally nice company, they did dishes and played with the kids. Below are some pictures from their stay in Seattle. Rob took five days off of work and we all managed to have some fun... Really we had so much fun and had so many pictures that it has taken me a while to organize and blog about it.

They were here from around August 22 - August 29. We took them to the airport to fly back to the UK and the same night picked up my mom coming back home from a month in Europe. The kids and I took her back to Port Townsend and then spent a lovely night there with Mom, Merrill and the dogs. Friday we came home in time to greet our friends Betsy and Frank before we left them with the children while we went to see Stevie Wonder. Next day was Kinderhaus work party and Dave Shumate's wedding. Anyway, you get the picture: we have been very happily busy drinking in this luscious life we have. Yum! But back to the story: Helen and Peter --

First off, Helen and I left Rob with Lucy and Jasper and spent the evening at the Olympus Spa - soaking, getting scrubbed and massaged. All vacations should really start that way. Here we are on our way to the spa and feeling pretty happy about it.

We spent a day in the woods and the lake at St Edward State Park. The kids and I have spent so much time at this park with various friends. I am glad Rob finally came along to enjoy it with us... and to take some pictures of the beauty.

Lucy likes to do things her own way, including riding the carousel at the zoo backwards.

Rob and Helen went to Vancouver BC for the day.

Rob and Helen met Ian and Joan (Rob's parents) at Canlis for drinks.
It didn't take long for Lucy and Jasper to warm up to our guests.

The shots below are from Ray's boathouse on the last night of their stay. We had a babysitter and a perfect evening out on the deck with the seagulls and a heron, and each other, for company.

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